Today, we're looking at author

CJ Bolyne
CJ Bolyne Website
as she makes her debut with a fantasy novel called,

Born and raised in Southeastern Manitoba, Canada, CJ read avidly, dreaming of the day she would write her own fantasy / sci-fi book.
When she’s not writing, CJ spends her time on her farm with her husband and multiple pets. She operates a full-time pet grooming business.
Trinity, is not only her first book, but the first in the series.
We have two files regarding Trinity. One file we can show you, the other...well, we just can't as the information has been classified...for now.
The following is some of the declassified material regarding Trinity that we've been cleared to show you:
Trinity isn't a person, but a place in the kingdom of Gwynneth. Gwynneth lived in balance between good and evil. For every good deed done, so an evil one occurred. The Guardians and the Anord were responsible for maintaining that balance.
The Anord became bored with their roles, and wanted to cause more chaos and destruction not just to the humanity of the realm, but to the other gods as well. They wanted to be the only ruling gods of Gwynneth.
The Guardians could not let that happen, and one day stood against the Anord in battle on the field of Trinity.
The battle raged and raged until it finally culminated in a battle between Koris and Liesson. Koris was the fierce Anord god of winter and cold while Liesson the Guardian god of combat and honour.
Liesson fell Koris, bringing the battle to an end...but at a cost he never expected to pay.
Like most humans, Payton thought her everyday life normal, until a mysterious stranger appeared to turn it upside-down.
It isn't everyday you learn that what you believed to be the truth turns out to be something completely different. For starters, Payton isn't human. Oh no, she's a goddess of the Guardians of Gwynneth. She also learns that the Anord of Gwynneth opposed the Guardians and have been trying to kill her.
If you think that's a lot for any person to absorb and deal with, there's more...lots, lots more.
However, that information is currently classified. There is a way for you to find out that information though.
It's possible that if you "bribe" the right person, they might just grant you access to our classified files! You may have missed the names, they were shown at the end of the book trailer. To simplify matters, they've been listed again here:
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